So, this morning was the first day back in school after the inspirational conference this past weekend. I arrived to find that my classes were all less than half full due to the scheduled AP Environmental Science test (our most …
How do Galinsky’s life skills connect with Eleanor Duckworth’s The Virtues of not Knowing? [chpt 5 The Having of Wonderful Ideas, 2nd Edition] Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs. – Ellen Galinsky …
In the article below Alison Gopnik captures a truth that reflects well on Critical Exploration. My question for Gopnik and the researchers she cites would be, if the research reflects this truth for preschoolers and their curriculum, why would the same …
I teach a creative thinking class for three-year-olds, and I’ve been experimenting with different ways of adapting critical exploration for people with short attention spans who are new to many of the materials I show them. But I have come …
No class at HGSE is more talked about by its students than T440. Unfortunately not all of us had the privilege of spending time in Professor Duckworth’s classroom and it is my understanding that we are currently unable to alter …
I am teaching a creative thinking course for three-year-old kids and I use a very laid back, inquisitive style when working with the children. We do the same three big activities every class: Mix/make some kind of clay or dough, …
Lisa Schneier (2001) describes her role as “helping a group to develop a history of ideas”. The way that Professor Duckworth’s T440 course contains ideas which continually spiral back on each other through the classes, section meetings, readings and fieldworks …
Any ideas on how literacy and reading can be done through critical exploration?
Hi- I’m curious about kinds of projects others have had students do during or at the end of a critical exploration to help them push/clarify their thinking. Some examples of what I’m thinking about are: Assuming the role of a …